

英语周Quiz Night掀起团战风暴!

  • 2019-11-14
  • 来源:

英语周Quiz Night作为传统项目,旨在拓展学生英语知识,激发对英语兴趣,展现英语的综合运用能力。
    作为开场的是石室中学国际部各班级精心制作的英语周宣传视频。高二17班自编自导自演的高品质宣传片,体现了威严庄重的千年名校风度,同时展现了学生们对煌煌文庙的 热爱。这支全班同学和老师共同参与制作的宣传片不出意料地摘得比赛第一名。





    北美AP课程中心学术校长Mr. Mathhews向大家介绍规则后,来到了紧张刺激的智力竞猜环节,同学们都兴奋不已,蓄势待发了。此次的智力竞猜,不同的分值提现了难度的高低。看,同学们都勇敢地优先选择回答最高分题目。



    最后是笑料频出的“Hello, Garbage!”环节:每个班由四个同学上台,在规定时间内描述自己看到的物品,最后一位同学还需要正确回答出此物品的垃圾分类去向。


Today is the Quiz Night that everyone has been waiting for a long time. The first part is the video competition. Every ICCC class has produced a video by themselves. The audience were totally amazed by the good works of the propaganda of Shishi from the ICCC students. The first prize goes to Class 17 Senior 2, directed by Wang Zixiang and dubbed by Wen Linxi and Li Zekai and performed by all the students from class 17 Senior 2 and some teachers. The students showed their love towards Shishi through the video and their desire for knowledge.


After appreciating the wonderful videos, James, from Class 15 senior 3, introduced garbage classification to everyone with his fluent English. In order to deepen students' understanding of garbage classification and environment protection,James recalled his unforgettable experience in Japan and Tibet, and he pointed out it is everyone’s responsibility to sort garbage into different categories. And he taught the audience how to sort garbage in.


Then Mr. Matthews, the host of our quiz night, who is the academic principle from North America Center, took the stage and announced the beginning of the activity. After Mr. Matthews’ shortly introduction of the rules and disciplines, all the contestants for round 1 went on the stage and were excited to win. Look, most students bravely chose the highest score for their answers! Everybody was so excited and were eager to win.


For Round 2, the game is called “Hello, garbage”. There were four students in a team, the third student was required to guess the word on the screen that the first student saw, basing on the description and body language of the former two students in specified time. The first student and the second student were not allowed to mention the exact words on the screen. And the last student need to correctly answer the item of garbage classification.

Look, students are describing vividly!


Everyone had a great time.